Check out our Blues for Alice jazz etude and the solo transcription of Charlie Parker`s solo below! Blues for Alice isn`t just an easy blues with I, IV, and V chords. Blues for Alice changes are also referred to as ”backdoor” blues changes. Whereas most blues heads move from F to Bb7, from the I7 up to the IV7 chord, Blues for Alice goes through the backdoor, down to Em7b5 (into a ii-7b5-V7-i in the relative minor, D minor). This tune is more difficult to improvise on than the average blues& ...
minor blues transcrption
Hi! I have many solos in a big band (playing the first tenor). The tunes are mostly minor blues tunes (in concert Gm, Am for tenor). I`d like to know are there any good material available on-line like transcribed solos/licks?
(Not the other way round: in a minor blues all 3rds are flattened). There is a blues scale which contains these notes, however in a major key most players combine the flattened notes with the natural notes. (See below blues scales ).
When it comes to playing bass, it`s easy to stick to specific patterns, rely on our ability to provide the musical foundation with the root and the fifth, and leave the chord knowledge up to the guitar players. Although there are& ...
Check out our Blues for Alice jazz etude and the solo transcription of Charlie Parker`s solo below! Blues for Alice isn`t just an easy blues with I, IV, and V chords. Blues for Alice changes are also referred to as ”backdoor” blues changes. Whereas most blues heads move from F to Bb7, from the I7 up to the IV7 chord, Blues for Alice goes through the backdoor, down to Em7b5 (into a ii-7b5-V7-i in the relative minor, D minor). This tune is more difficult to improvise on than the average blues& ...
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